The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review featured Range’s Ten Year Anniversary of the Marcellus discovery by highlighting best practices and environmental stewardship that have evolved and been developed by companies like Range over the last decade.

There’s really a complete paradigm shift in environmental stewardship,” Range Resources VP of Operations Dennis Degner said…

It doesn’t take a petroleum engineer to see how far fracking has come since its first successful use on a Marcellus shale well 10 years ago.

Bird’s-eye view photos of Range Resources Corp.’s work sites at the Renz well it completed in Washington County in 2004 and a more recent well illustrate a decade of improving environmental safeguards and production techniques…”…The modern frack job takes place on a stone-covered well pad, lined and buffered to control spills and reduce disturbances, with tanks and equipment already in place to handle water, sand and eventual gas production.”

The article “Fracking in Marcellus turns 10” illustrates and documents a number of best practices that have been developed over the years, many of which “became models for regulations” in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, according to Scott Perry, deputy secretary for oil and gas management at the state Department of Environmental Protection in the story. 

Range articulates and reports advancements in best practices in the Responsibility section of the Company’s website.